Happy New year! Well, almost. With 2019 just around the corner, we’re looking at some of this year’s top blog posts. Whether you’re looking for a new job or just some career tips, these resources will help you get a jump on your 2019 goals.
Will you get a job after you graduate?
If you’re in college, maybe you’re worried you’ll finish school and then not be able to launch into your chosen career. It’s a valid question/concern. Here are some ways you can set yourself up for success!
Do you have a love folder?
When you’re having a down day, there’s no better pick-me-up than someone telling you how wonderful you are at your job. Here’s a great method to ensure you always have a ray of sunshine on those days you wish you had just stayed in bed.
Ditch the obsession with a one-page resume
Still trying to cram everything into one page? Find out why that may no longer be necessary and what you should focus on instead.
Should you hire a job hopper?
In a market like this, sometimes you end up exploring possibilities that previously would have been a no-go. Let’s look at the downsides but also the (often overlooked) positive things that can come from hiring a job hopper.
Wait, WHY did you leave your last job?
This very common question can easily become an Achilles heel. If you have any tough-to-explain situations, here are some ways to handle it without saying anything bad.
Get rid of that boring resume once and for all
Do you still have an objective at the top of your resume? Are you trying to make a career change and are worried your resume won’t make sense when you apply to jobs? These are just some things this article can help with. Find out how to make a summary that succinctly explains where you are and where you’d like to go.
Don’t blow it on the phone interview
Nice work landing that phone interview! As part of your prep, make sure you follow this checklist. There’s a unique set of challenges with phone interviews, but they’re easily conquered with some planning.