As your applications generate phone calls and interviews, it’s time for the next stage of your career reboot! While a few pieces of the interview process have changed, the overall concepts remain constant. Here are some key tips for success:
Career Reboot: Phone calls with recruiters and hiring managers
When you’re searching for work in the midst of this career reboot and see an unfamiliar number calling, it could be a recruiter! During this stage, it’s ideal if you can take the call. Of course, if you’re working or otherwise occupied and can’t talk at the moment, it’s likely best for the call to go into voicemail. And that’s actually a perfect segue into the next key point: make sure your voicemail is set up and not full. I’ve had so many moments trying to connect with an applicant but couldn’t leave a message.
Preparation tips for a call
In the case of a planned call, take a few moments to prepare. If using a cell phone, is it fully charged? Are you in a place where there won’t be noises or distractions? How is your signal? These little things go a long way in helping to make for a smooth call. Before the call, just be sure you’ve re-read the job description so it’s fresh in your mind. And last, it’s never a bad idea to have a copy of your own resume available and also a pen and paper for notes.
Video interviews
Virtual interviews have become a very common part of the process for many employers, so it’ll likely be a part of your career reboot! If you haven’t used any video call platforms, now is the right time to familiarize yourself a bit so you’ll be ready. Similar to phone calls, you’ll want to be sure you’re somewhere free of distractions and that your device is fully charged with a good signal. And with video, you’ll also want to pay attention to your background. Is it professional and free of visual distractions?
Interview tips
Whether virtual or in-person, here are some key concepts that will help:
Tell me about yourself
This common question is not overly daunting with a little preparation. Essentially, this is your elevator speech. It’s a great moment to talk about yourself (in the professional sense) and how this role aligns with your career plans. For 30-60 seconds, you have free reign to market yourself to the interviewer.
Asking questions
At some point in the conversation, you’ll likely be asked if you have any questions. This is a great opportunity! First, it’ll be key that you’ve done your homework on the company so you have a solid foundation of knowledge. From there, you can learn more about the role, what makes the company tick, what daily life is like with this organization, etc. It’s always good to have more questions than you think you’ll need because some will inevitably be answered as part of the interview conversation.
Things could still take time
When you’re just chomping at the bit to get to the next stage of your career, it can be hard to let the process run its course! The good news is that employers are seeing they need to act quickly when they have candidates in front of them. Be that as it may, it can still take some time and energy to make that next career step happen. So, when you get a little fatigued, take a break! We’ve all been through a great deal over the last couple years. Once you reach the limit of your bandwidth, acknowledge it and take a breather. When you’re ready, jump back in!