Ever say “yes” just to be agreeable and then regret it later? This happens all the time in life, and the recruiting/interviewing process is no exception. Logically, it seems to make sense to want to please a recruiter. But what if you’re doing so at the expense of making yourself happy? As you may have guessed, today is all about being true to yourself in the job search process so you end up in just the right job for you.
Let’s start with an example
Maybe you’re getting the details about a great data-entry role from a recruiter. The only problem is that you really just can’t stand repetitive work but you agree to go with it, regardless. Your “yes” response may be great for the moment, but what happens if you enter the interview process? As you pass each step, one by one, that feeling in the pit of your stomach only gets stronger as it tries to impress upon you the reality of the situation: you don’t want this job! Run!
That example is a tad over the top, but I think you understand. Everyone (including you!) is investing time in this process—all for a job you’ll either turn down or will accept but not want. So while your intent may have been to please the recruiter, neither of you will be all that jolly when things come to an inevitable conclusion. Also, your time is valuable! So it’s definitely best to use it wisely.
Recruiters really do want to help you!
However, they sometimes lose confidence in situations where a candidate unexpectedly rejects a job they were excited about from the start. Now with that said, there are many situations where a change of heart or mind is absolutely fine. I can’t stress that enough.
It’s time for another example
Maybe you had a phone call with the recruiter, loved the details, want the job, and it’s all going well. But then during an interview with the hiring manager, you learn that there is no retirement plan with this organization. This is something no one disclosed until now. When someone throws a game-changer at you, it’s totally fine to rethink your level of interest. Or maybe you were interviewing for two jobs and the other job was just a little bit more appealing. Anyone can understand these and other similar situations.
There’s a “but” coming…
But it becomes more complicated when the change of heart comes when it’s based solely on information that was disclosed from the very beginning. As a candidate, I’ve been in a situation where I got carried away by the excitement, the possibility, and the process. I allowed myself to ignore for a moment the fact that the job isn’t a match because I don’t like overly structured positions. Suddenly and inevitably, I withdrew from the process when my excitement fizzled and reality set in.
It’s easy enough for this to happen. But from the recruiter’s side, when a series of firm “yes” responses is suddenly followed by rejection, it raises questions. When that recruiter talks to you about another new opportunity, he or she may have a hard time feeling confident in your affirmative responses based on their recent experience.
The very important candidate-recruiter relationship
This is a crucial two-way relationship. Your recruiter should be working hard to get to know you and do a wonderful job representing you to hiring managers. And in the process, you’ll just want to help them to help you by giving them all the tools they need to do their job well. That way, you work as a team to create a win-win situation!
Written by Adam Lafield, Recruiter & Marketing Specialist