Often times we are paralyzed when we have too many choices. Take a moment and think back to a childhood trip to the candy store or ice cream stand. Do you remember the overwhelming feeling of so many delicious choices? The desire for more options than you could choose? And the feeling of panic that you may choose the wrong one and have regrets? I frequently hear from hiring managers they have the same feelings when it is time to make a hiring decision.
The paradox of choice?
Choice overload is a real thing; this psychological process has been studied within the retail world since the early 70’s. Making a decision can become overwhelming due to the many potential outcomes and risks that may result from making the wrong choice.
When it comes to making hiring decisions, there are some very simple processes you can put in place to mitigate the paralysis from too many choices.
Skills Checklist
Create a simple checklist of “must have skills” and “nice to have skills.” Following each interview, quickly check the boxes for the skills the candidate has. This can help you more easily rule out the candidate you really connected with and liked, but didn’t quite have the right experience.
Limit to 2 Choices at a Time
Force yourself to make a decision between only two choices at a time. For example, meet two people, choose who you like better and keep that person and let the other one go. After you meet the next person, again make a decision between this new person and the previous person. If you are always limiting yourself to two choices at a time, you are much less likely to get overwhelmed and can more easily make a decision.
One Decision Maker
When you have an interview team involved, you now have differing opinions to take into account. Before the interview process starts, appoint one person as the official decision maker and give the other interviewers veto power only. This allows everyone involved to have a say and it will ensure a smoother decision making process.
By including a little bit of planning prior to beginning the interview process, you can significantly limit the paralysis of too many choices. I am not sure I can help you out with the dilemma of choosing the right candy or ice cream flavor, but these tips should certainly help with making your key hiring decisions.